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Бог помогает тем, кто помогает себе сам // Человек должен добивАться своего счастья, надеясь только на сббственные сИлы. |
Papers. Mr. Walker is а land speculator; bought some land
for oпe-hundred-thirty thousand, sold it to the Tristate Tollway
Commission for half а million ; all withiп а period of six moпths.
Nice profit, quick turnover, how lucky сап you get? А surveyor's
report ; inside information ; God helps those wlю help themselves.
More papers, more deals. Mr. Walker is а very astute speculator;
perhaps опе should take these along; might Ье useful ; God helps
those who help themselves. (Smith)
"She is bеnt оп working for her own living." "Апd а very proper resolution, too," replies his mother, stoutly .. . "Providence is always more willing to help those tЬat help themselves." "How сап she help herself?" cries Esther's champion, indignantly. "What sort of work are those little weak hands, that little inexperienced head, fitted for?" (Broughton) Ludwig removed the struggling fly оп а teaspoon. "All right, Ludwig, leave him поw, he'll dry his wings. God helps flies who help themselves." (Murdoch) |